World Haemophilia Day

About the foundation
The Haemophilia Foundation of New Zealand Inc. (HFNZ) was established in 1958 to connect and support people with Haemophilia across New Zealand. More than 60 years later, HFNZ continues working for all those living with Haemophilia A & B, and also represents people with von Willebrand’s disorder, platelet disorders, and many other rare, chronic, inherited bleeding conditions.
At HFNZ, we understand that we’re stronger together. That means being an inclusive organisation, which represents the needs of people with many different rare and inherited bleeding disorders, enabling us to make a difference where it really counts.

Our belief in the power of unity is one of the reasons that HFNZ is a part of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH). Joining other international member organisations gives us a more powerful voice for our people.

While each HFNZ member is a unique individual, all are an integral part of the larger NZ bleeding disorder community. HFNZ is committed to connecting and unifying our community, and empowering those affected by bleeding disorders across New Zealand.

HFNZ comprises four regions throughout the country (Northern, Midland, Central, Southern), with an Outreach Worker assigned to each. There are also two national groups - Piritoto and the National Youth Committee. The National Council is responsible for the governance of the Foundation, on which sits the National President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and a representative from each of the regions and groups. All Council positions are voluntary and decided by election at the Annual General Meeting.

HFNZ is very proud of advances and success we have achieved over the last 60 years. To continue to reach toward our goals, we rely largely on public donations. With the incredible generosity of the New Zealand public and the amazing support received from our Sustaining Patrons, Corporate Friends, and grant applications, HFNZ look forward to many more success stories in coming years.

Role of HFNZ
Promote the personal interest, treatment, rehabilitation, lifetime care, and advancement in life, of all people with haemophilia and related genetic bleeding diseases
Offer information and guidance, which promotes effective measures of care
Promote full participation and equal opportunity for all in community activities, education, recreation, and employment
Provide or facilitate individual assistance welfare, participation, opportunity, and advocacy
Provide representation, at a regional and national level, to ensure that adequate and safe supplies of treatment products, and other treatments or cares are available
Advocate for adequate services to meet the needs of people with haemophilia
Provide up-to-date information
Act as a consultative body to Government
Educate families, health professionals and other key stakeholders.
Read more about HFNZ, its history and the story of haemophilia in New Zealand in Still Standing: Haemophilia Foundation of New Zealand 1958-2008. Hard copies are available from HFNZ.

Event Dates: 
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 08:45 to 23:45