Tautoko Whānau

Worried about course costs? Or where your tauira will live while they study? Read on and put your mind at ease.
Ask any Māori health professional what motivated them to succeed in their career and they will always tell you 'whānau'.
So what can you do? If you haven't already, take a good look around our site. Check out the Personal Stories of health professionals. See the exciting mahi your whānau members could work in.

Get clued up on what you can do as a parent and whānau member to support your student while they are at kura. We offer useful tips and advice, and info on NCEA. Our Financial Support page has all types of assistance available to help your tauira and whānau, especially study assistance and Māori support, and the Career Profiles section can support your whānau member to successfully choose and succeed in a career in health.

Financial Support

Financial support and scholarships to help you through study.

Māori Support

Support for Māori students and their family

Cost of Study

There are lots of different things you will need to pay for when you start studying that may be new to you.

Personal Stories

You may not be alone on your journey to a career in health.